Dr. Recommended "4 in 1" Ionix Foot Detox

Dr. Recommended "4 in 1" Ionix Foot Detox

We call it "Dr." Recomended because we actually do have Medical Doctors here that come in for treatment and send their Patients as well. Why? Because they have an abundance of trapped heavy metals and one has lyme disease and a "Pill" or Drug will just not help. Ionic Detoxification also known as a foot bath detox helps to remove harmful toxins and cellular waste from your body. Safe and complete body detoxification through the healing power of ionization. Just like when standing under a water fall or walking on the beach, ions have a powerful charge that help the body cleanse more effectively with no side effects. When a body is properly detoxed it’s amazing how great that person feels! Detoxing the body can help with weight loss. When the body rids itself of toxic chemicals the body tends to speed up metabolism and returns to proper digestion. So What can I expect from a 4 in 1 Detox session?
Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater feeling of well being from each session. Some people with pain, edema, swollen and deteriorating joints have reported symptomatic relief from each session.
We are exposed to the greatest toxic load in our planet’s history, and ongoing periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease. The Ionic detoxification process, in combination with our patended "SOQI" Spa and "E-Power" machines, accelerate the overall response bringing results never experienced before.
Please allow a minimum or 90 minutes for the best results as we dont want to rush you out the door.